Career Profile

Maintenance & Repair Workers, General

Education HS diploma or less
This is the typical education required for an entry-level position.
Earnings $37,400
This is the typical median salary earned for an entry-level position.

General maintenance and repair workers fix and maintain machines, mechanical equipment, and buildings.

General Information

Perform work involving the skills of two or more maintenance or craft occupations to keep machines, mechanical equipment, or the structure of a building in repair. Duties may involve pipe fitting; HVAC maintenance; insulating; welding; machining; carpentry; repairing electrical or mechanical equipment; installing, aligning, and balancing new equipment; and repairing buildings, floors, or stairs. Excludes Facilities Managers (11-3013) and Maintenance Workers, Machinery (49-9043).

Training Funds Available

This is a Rural Capital Area Target Occupation.
Training and education opportunities are available with eligible providers throughout the state.

Maintenance & Repair Workers, General

Occupational Outlook

For the Rural Capital Area


Job Opportunities

Over the next five years, an average of 567 openings per year are projected for Maintenance & Repair Workers, General.


Employment Change

Employment for Maintenance & Repair Workers, General is forecasted to increase on par with the regional average by 15.8% between 2023 and 2028.


Earnings Potential

An average worker in this occupation is paid $17.97/hour. Entry level workers are paid $13.55, while experienced workers are paid $22.19. The median wage is below average regional wages across occupations.

Local Employment Opportunities

There are 3,955 Maintenance & Repair Workers, General in the RCA region. By 2028 this number could reach 4,580.

Top Employing Industries, Locally

The top industries employing Maintenance & Repair Workers, General are Lessors of Real Estate, Activities Related to Real Estate, and Elementary and Secondary Schools.

Knowledge Areas

The top most significant knowledge categories for Maintenance & Repair Workers, General include Mechanical, English Language, and Building and Construction.

Educational Attainment Patterns

The most common level of education for Maintenance & Repair Workers, General is HS diploma or less. 12% of people employed in these roles have some form of college degree.

Sources: BLS   JobsEQ®   ONET